Thursday, 15 August 2013

Do you even lift ???


 Hey friends!! How have u been doing ??? Today something pop into my mind so I would like share my thought. Hahah. So how is the workout been going on from my previous blog. Anybody try it on?? I would like to have some feedback on it. My 30 days abs challenge is coming to the end, this week is the 3rd week. Let me share my result .

I am using my 30 days to achieve it. When I post it up on my facebook on challenging myself in 1 month to achieve this, I received a lot comments . Well I should say, NEVER GIVE UP is my motto. 30 days challenge aren't that hard like what normal people did. Control DIET?? my friends asked me. Well,  I should say, 60 % my effort in working out 40% from my diet. ( but obviously reduced the intake of carbs!) and I still enjoyed my Raya curry chicken and rendang ... =)

Anyway, want to know what I did?  Then I will ask you a question.,...
So start to do squat, Girls and Guys , squat is basically whole body workout. You will achieve lots result from squatting.

So as I told you, something come up into my mind, I would like to create a challenge for all of you ,( if you are interested). 30 days CHALLENGE FOR ABS.

NOW! Give yourself a chance to achieve the body you want!! With me! I'll try my best to help you and guide you with all my knowledge to achieve your goal body in a month :)

And here's what you need to do to participate the CHALLENGE ( 1st September 2013-30th Septmber 2013).
1. Leave me a comment down below inform me that you're interested to take the challenge
2. Email me a current picture of yourself, with measurement of your weight and waist.

Once you emailed me you picture ( before 1st September), you'll have 30days to work your best for your ideal body shape!!
And email me another pic after 30days of your hard work, show me your after results!!

So, what are you waiting for??? Want you abs?? Want your flat toning line? Get rid of your beer belly? Do SQUAT!! =)

Notes: I will be organizing BOOTCAMP soon. Anybody keen to participate above challenge , you are WELCOME to join in the BOOTCAMP so that we can train together. Please stay tuned for my update and further information on the BOOTCAMP on the next blog and my facebook.

I am really excited on the challenge. So if you would like to challenge yourself and make a changes on your body,  PLEASE join the challenge =). 

I will reward one of The BEST WINNER with CASH (RM 200 + 1 day CORE FITNESS ENTRY PASS)
Keen to take this challenge? Who's in?? TELL ME TELL ME  !! =)


                            Stay tuned for my next blog on the bootcamp update,
                                               Lets get into fitness together.
                                              Stay fit, stay positive, stay healthy  =)

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, how to join the Bootcamp? lol...btw, how to participate the challenge? I want to take the challenge.
