Thursday, 29 August 2013

Be yourself But Be Your Best Self

Hello people! How are you today! Thursday, another working day for tomorrow and is going to be weekend. Are you looking forward for your weekend?? =). I do! I'm so excited for my vacation this coming Sunday. This will be my last post before I’m heading off. So,guys and girls, if you have any questions please feel free drop me comment or give me a text in We Chat. I will reply as soon as possible to answer all your questions.

I will start off today with my 1 MONTH ABS CHALLENGE RESULT! Finally I earned it! 1 month of hard work and challenge paid off. This is the best gift for me before heading off to GOLD COAST for my vacation~~. 

Let me share with you my progress from the first week to the fourth week of my challenge. Some people might says that I will be easier to achieve my abs. But be honest, nothing is impossible. Challenge your fitness level and don't compare your result with others as this result is for youself and you EARN it. The purpose of my challenge is to push you no matter , you are skinny, fat, tall , short. 

NEVER GIVE UP and Keep Going On! Excuses only delay your result.

So people, what are you waiting for? Earn your abs now!! Participation for the abs challenge is still ongoing before this Saturday. Send me your picture with measurement and email it to me with your height and weight. That’s it. Some of my friends around asked me. “IS IT FREE”?. Yes! It is definitely free and if you win I will give you prizes. I don’t make any profit from this .. The purpose of my challenge  is to create awareness and push you to achieve your goals no matter  you are skinny, fat, tall , short. So don't give yourself excuse as I will not judge the winner by abs. I will judge by the result you earn. If you achieve a big difference from your hard-work you will be the winner.  

Don’t wait! Challenge yourself!! 

Notes: When the challenge started I will send you by email weekly work out for you to do in order to help you in achieving your goals. So please check your email. I will informed you after I have sent out the workout to you. If you have any questions on the workout please feel free to ask me . I will always available to assist you. =)

My fitness blog update today will be my MUAY THAI AND BOXING training . I have started to fall in love with this training. This type of training is a new challenge tome and push me to another fitness level. This training which lead me gasping for air in the end of the training! 

Sounds interesting right? Yes! If you are in KK, and interested to join this training with me, please feel free to ask me. I am more than happy to guide you in. Besides enjoying the training, you will be also enjoying yourself with friendly  members in the gym. Our gym spirit is suffer together, train together and laugh together.

 If you are less motivated people but you feel like challenging your fitness level? , I would highly recommend you to come and join us. You will never regret. SO DON’T missed out your chance to join in our family in Borneo Combat Gym Kota Kinabalu.  ( Girls don't worry, this is not a rough type of training =) , You will definitely get through this training .)

 Sharing some pictures took during our training. So please come and join us! =)

Good NEWS people!! 

Recently I have received an email from Beachbody brand company. If you have no ideas what is Beachbody about, Have you heard before P90X exercise?, INSANITY ? They are  the makers of the popular P90X® , ( In my future blogs I will be updating some of links from this brand which it might be helpful for you especially to those people who could not commit themselves to gym. THIS EXERCISE is perfectly for you to do it at home. 

So please stay tuned for this brand update from my blogs

Alright people,  I will be back to update my blog after 2 weeks. PLEASE feel free to ask me questions through email and WE CHAT. I will be replying all your question even though I AM away. 

We Chat : Rachelk0711

     Have a great coming weekend people!
         Be Yourself But Be Your Best Self!!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Power Of Positive Mindset

Hello Friends, How are you again! Another week is gone. Waiting for another starting new week and I am leaving for my 2 weeks vacation and graduation! I can’t wait!! =). I will be off from updating for my blogs for 2 weeks.  Will get back and updating it as soon I’m back to Malaysia.

So, how is your weekend? Hopefully is a great weekend for you. =). I came through an article titled "POSITIVE THINKING REALLY CAN GET YOU IN SHAPE!!"

Below the sentence bring me to attention to read through the article:-

You need a positive attitude about you as well. In other words, you need to believe that you can do it, from a practical standpoint. If you decide that you’re going to become a marathoner, you need to believe that you can start dragging your tired butt out of bed every morning, no matter how lousy the weather, and pulling on your gear and heading out for a run.


I do believe that statement because;  a positive mindset not only get you in shape but will also make your life more colorful  even though you are facing difficulties.Today I have made a post on my status. Firstly, I would like to appreciate all my friends concerns. Thank you so much and I felt so warmed.  So many things happen recently, and exercising is the only place for me to overcome the stress. Positive mindset will overcome all bad things! Life still goes on!
" If your attitude about an activity is negative to start with, then the experience of that activity is likely going to be negative as well."

So let us be positive, something better is waiting for us. Choose your best and healthy way to overcome your stress!

Let’s get back to my fitness blog. Today my sharing will be my Sunday WOD (workout of the day) . Sunday heading to the place is the awesome thing. 

Workout of the day ( 45 minutes)

Jogging ( 5 minutes ) warm up

Pull up x 10 times
High Knee Run on Medicine Ball x 100 times
Body Weight Fast Lunges x 50 each side
Body Weight Squats x 50 times
( 3 sets)

Weight Squats 

This workout is a mix cardio and strength workout which I find it useful for me. Try it out and SHARE with me how do you find the workout i did. =)


This challenge is going to commence soon. I have received some of your email on the participation. Thank you in showing your interest . I am really looking forward to see your result and I will keep on sharing my tips to help your process in the challenge. =).

People out there who are interested, please email me ASAP ( for your participation. Some people still have no idea how to participate the challenge as I view some error occur on my previous blog, below is the what you need to do. =)

1. Email me your before picture with your current measurement and a picture of yourself .
2. ( In between you can ask me by email any questions you need to know. I will reply asap as I read your email =) )
3. 30 September 2013 email me your after picture with your succeed measurement .

I will announced the winner in MIDDLE OF October and PRIZE will be given away. 

( The purpose of the challenge is to challenge yourself to achieve your goals . So prizes of RM 300 cash will be bank in for your hard work . Cash might be not a lot, but my purpose is to helping you to achieve your goals. So, give yourself a chance to change!!)


Have a great new week people. Positive Mindset will overcome your MONDAY BLUE!!

                           BE POSITIVE , BE HAPPY !!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Give Up, Give In or Give It All You Got!

           Hello Sunday! Is another weekend. How is your weekend?? I miss my beach Sunday outing with my friends.  2 more weeks I am back to Perth heading for my graduation. Really can't wait to meet all my friends there. =) . Hooray!!! Anyway, I would like to start of thank you to all my friends expressing their interest in participating the Abs Challenge. I will reply the emails and comments as soon as possible in order for you to participate and challenge yourself . Good Luck friends! Looking forward to see your result in a month time.
As my previous blog, I have discussed about squats. I received a question regarding on 'How to do proper squats'. So let me answer the question here so everybody noted the proper and correct form of doing a squats. 

It is very important to do a proper right form of squats, so be careful and make sure someone is around you when you are trying to do squats (especially for beginner). I would like to advise start of with body weight squats first. Do fast squat( as fast as possible which it helps to burn off your FATS in your belly =).

So  today I will be sharing some tips on working out the sexy abs. Start of your work out with a warm up as below:-

30 second slow jogging
30 second jumping jack
30 second burpees
30 second switch kick 
30 second high knee 
30 second fast squat
( 3 minutes x 3 sets)



It might look simple, so try to increase more reps in each set of exercise EVERYTIME you do. Challenge yourself, because your body wont change if you doesn't challenge it. =)


LATEST update on BOOT CAMP!!. The boot camp will be in OCTOBER. So please stay tuned for the exact DATE, TIME AND VENUE.. =). This boot camp is organised by me and my friends. Some of my friends asking me what is BOOT CAMP about. Boot camp is a training for cardio, strength and agility. So if you lack of exercise idea or Would like to try SOMETHING NEW, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO JOIN.

As your information, this event is a charity event as well. So as we are training our fitness , we also could help other people by the charity.It is just single day event. So stay TUNED for the update as we are still in progress of organizing. =)

Have a good start off  week everybody ! Please remember, EXERCISE NOT ONLY CHANGES YOUR BODY, IT CHANGES YOUR MIND, YOUR ATTITUDE AND YOUR MOOD. 



Thanks for reading! Please do not hesitate to comments and give me opinion to improve my blog ;)

Rachel Khoo

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Do you even lift ???


 Hey friends!! How have u been doing ??? Today something pop into my mind so I would like share my thought. Hahah. So how is the workout been going on from my previous blog. Anybody try it on?? I would like to have some feedback on it. My 30 days abs challenge is coming to the end, this week is the 3rd week. Let me share my result .

I am using my 30 days to achieve it. When I post it up on my facebook on challenging myself in 1 month to achieve this, I received a lot comments . Well I should say, NEVER GIVE UP is my motto. 30 days challenge aren't that hard like what normal people did. Control DIET?? my friends asked me. Well,  I should say, 60 % my effort in working out 40% from my diet. ( but obviously reduced the intake of carbs!) and I still enjoyed my Raya curry chicken and rendang ... =)

Anyway, want to know what I did?  Then I will ask you a question.,...
So start to do squat, Girls and Guys , squat is basically whole body workout. You will achieve lots result from squatting.

So as I told you, something come up into my mind, I would like to create a challenge for all of you ,( if you are interested). 30 days CHALLENGE FOR ABS.

NOW! Give yourself a chance to achieve the body you want!! With me! I'll try my best to help you and guide you with all my knowledge to achieve your goal body in a month :)

And here's what you need to do to participate the CHALLENGE ( 1st September 2013-30th Septmber 2013).
1. Leave me a comment down below inform me that you're interested to take the challenge
2. Email me a current picture of yourself, with measurement of your weight and waist.

Once you emailed me you picture ( before 1st September), you'll have 30days to work your best for your ideal body shape!!
And email me another pic after 30days of your hard work, show me your after results!!

So, what are you waiting for??? Want you abs?? Want your flat toning line? Get rid of your beer belly? Do SQUAT!! =)

Notes: I will be organizing BOOTCAMP soon. Anybody keen to participate above challenge , you are WELCOME to join in the BOOTCAMP so that we can train together. Please stay tuned for my update and further information on the BOOTCAMP on the next blog and my facebook.

I am really excited on the challenge. So if you would like to challenge yourself and make a changes on your body,  PLEASE join the challenge =). 

I will reward one of The BEST WINNER with CASH (RM 200 + 1 day CORE FITNESS ENTRY PASS)
Keen to take this challenge? Who's in?? TELL ME TELL ME  !! =)


                            Stay tuned for my next blog on the bootcamp update,
                                               Lets get into fitness together.
                                              Stay fit, stay positive, stay healthy  =)

Friday, 9 August 2013

Body Reflection of Your Lifestyle

Hello everybody =), how is your long weekend ?? Enjoying a lot foods from Hari Raya open house?? For myself, yes I do! My first year back in Kk celebrating  Hari Raya was so awesome. Curry chicken, Kurma, Chicken Rendang and Malay kueh's . Omg I missed this a lot for the past 3 years in Perth. So this year  I have decided to put aside my healthy meals and enjoy the cheat days.
Sharing some of my sneak peek from first day Hari Raya visit to my mum's friends house. =)

That is basically how my Raya celebrated. How about yours ?? =)

Lets come back to my fitness blog. Before sharing my tips, do you still remember my challenge abs for 1 month. This week is my second week of training. No pain No gain. I am really looking forward the result in fourth week. Wish me luck !!. =)

Since I am doing my abs challenge this month, I will share my abs workout I am undergoing currently.This workout I am doing it at home and gym. I am basically doing below workout in  as many set as I can.
 ( Recommended beginner 3 set of below):-

My workout tips today :

 10 minutes warm up and Stretching ( Slow Jogging or Skipping)

Cardio Workout:

100 Jumping Jacks
30 second high knees
30 second burpees
1 minute plank
30 second fast squat
1 minute wall sit
30 second mountain climber
(x 3 sets)

Please do remember if you are a beginner please take your time and know your limit. Give yourself a break in the middle . Try to improve and give yourself a goal to achieve every time before you start your workout. =)

Give it a try and let me know how is the feeling after this workout? This is what I am basically undergoing beside going for my normal classes for Muay Thai and Boxing . I would recommend you to start of your day with a glass of water with lemon . I will helps you in increase your digestive system which I think it works for me. Besides that, I am currently taking RESERVE as my supplements which it helps me in my immune system and increases my metabolism besides that it helps in my skin recovering. (This is my personal preferences )

I really hope to hear feedback from you if you are trying out the workout. Let me know does it help you. Anyway, I do believes that your body is reflection of your lifestyle. So keep your lifestyle healthy in order to achieve the body that you DREAM !. =)

Monday, 5 August 2013

Suffer the pain of discipline or Suffer the pain of regret

Hello Friends!Here is my very very first blog as  I promised you guys ! Really appreciated all my friends comments and support for me to create this blog. I will try as much as I can to share my thoughts and views in fitness, as well giving my workout schedule and 'happy meals' . I know some of my friends saying that, they are working out hard but saying "NO" to DIET. ( HAHA). Actually I am the same person, but I always remind myself, the hardest part to train is getting the body you want. It is so impossible just a bit more contribution on my Diet I will say NO?? This is impossible right. So, today topic will be SUFFER THE PAIN OF DISCIPLINE Or SUFFER THE PAIN OF REGRET!.

 Let me show you , how is the previous me:-
and until today the my total changed of my body. See how PLUMPY am I, hahah I guessed all of you going to shocked right! Yes this is ME! Is kind of SAD during that time, I should say depressed, everybody was wondering what happened to me! . I can tell u, I skipped my breakfast, and midnight MC D's will be my favorite place =). haha, so ended up turn to this!. Determination and Criticism make me made my move to my GYM  ( FITNESS FIRST)..

I am starting like every girls did,rRun on the treadmill machine, 10 minutes, 30 minutes and go home eat again. Strictly NO DIET!, so i took around half year to repeat this. But I find it really wasting my time and it seriously does not work. People out there, I know i have heard quite a few comments and opinions, you can run 1 hour treadmill non stop, but do believe me, your body will get used to it, 1 hour treadmill really cannot compare to other half and hour of exercise ( Muay thai, Boxing, Body attack and etc). I would not say no for your type of training and  you should follow my way but my experience on  treadmill  traiing might show you a little drop in your weight  but after a while it might be an excuses for you, and said "at least I run 1 hour of treadmill". I rather say , half and hour is more than enough if you really do something to challenge your body.

Here you go my second stage of training!, I start off to join ZUMBA class for 2 months to improve my stamina. After 2 months I find myself get a bit bored with this kind of dance and I switch to other training style of class. I did the LesMills classes ( body attack , body combat , RPM)  in half year, result..... I lost from 68 to 62 kg. But remember, I didn't control my diet ( but portion of foods intake have reduced). I am not purposely cutting down my portion but when your metabolism getting stronger, you will feel good after having less intake of fatty foods.

So please do not stuck yourself into a type of exercise because it  does not work for your body and MIND! You will definitely get bored and end up, stuck yourself at home without working out. ( WORST THING!). HAHA. Anyway, I am basically sharing how am i come into fitness world. I will be sharing my workout and meals in next blog. So please wait, and SUPPORT !

Some of my friends might be saying I am a MUSCLE GIRL. But so what, I am happy what i achieved and the most important, the hardest part of training is your mindset. SO  ARE YOU READY TO OVERCOME YOUR MINDSET ?

 Cheers =)