Monday, 23 September 2013

Skinny Vs Fit Girls

Hello everybody! I am finally back from my long vacation. Travelling is really fun, but so tiring. Its time for me to get a good sleep and restore back all my energy before I'm back on track for my fitness. I am feeling very guilty now as I skipped my exercise so often. But before posting my fitness sharing, I am very excited to share my good news!. 


Finally its end of my student life. Thank you so much to my family and friends who have supported me along this road. Without your support, it might be hard for me to overcome my hard time during this 4 1/2 years.I believe this graduation is a good reason they call these ceremonies as commencement exercises. Graduation is not the end, it's the new beginning for me and I am really looking forward for the bright future ahead.

I have started my stepping stone of my career. First day of working was so unexpected. Meeting new people and heading off to client office. This job might be tough, but I do believe, it is a good starting point for me to experience the real working world as to gain my experience. I received a lot negative comment but I will never give up. WISH ME luck for my bright future as I believe nothing is easy in the beginning. So people, positive mindset will make your life more happiness as “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Alright, after sharing my excitement , lets get back to fitness blog! Today I will be discussing on Skinny Vs Fit Girls. Which one you choose to be??

Tell me, how many girls will felt this way.
When you are trying on clothes or dresses that you really like, but turn out you will feel so disappointing and depressed after seeing yourself in the mirror and ended up spooled your shopping mood?? ( I hate this feeling! =( )

Or, you will start comparing yourself to others where you think she is hot or prettier than you?

Please!!!! Stop all this thinking girls. Ask yourself, " Who do you want to be? What is your aim? What are you trying to do? What do you want to create? What is the purpose for you to trying hard and Would you like a change?" I do believe, every girls mindset is being pretty and looking good no matter what your are wearing.


Being skinny is not something people should aim for . Being FIT AND HEALTHY is what your mindset should have and aiming for. Be honest, I rather covering myself in sweat at my exercise session rather than covering myself in clothes at the beach. It is a great feeling especially you know YOU are the one who did it. I do believe nothing comes in simple. There is always a phrase "easy come easy go". You might be losing weight with unhealthy life style in faster pace but, can you maintained it??. There is no 'short cuts reducing your fat and being fit! ALL YOU need to do is be patience and NEVER GIVE UP. 

Hit to the gym, and fight those sets and reps. Going to the gym is no longer belongs to guys so! Yet, it's a TREND and a Healthier Lifestyle!. WORK your ass of to achieve what you wanted to achieved!

I used to be a size 14 person before my transformation to be myself today. Low self-esteem is your biggest enemy to STOP you. Along this way, it might be difficult but exercise to be FIT but NOT SKINNY, eat to nourish your body, and always ignore your doubters and unhealthy examples that were once feeding you. YOU ARE WORTH THAN YOU REALIZED

Bear in mind,  in this world there is no UGLY GIRLS , but only LAZY GIRLS exists. So, choose who you wanted to be.




Note: 1 month abs competition is coming to the end. How is your progress?? Sorry I have been away for so long, but I am quite happy to received all questions and hopefully my feedback and guidance helping your progress. I will be updating my next exercise in the following blog. STAY TUNED!

Rachel Khoo <3<3

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