Saturday, 1 March 2014

Women shouldnt lift heavy is perpetuated by women who fear to work and men who fear women being stronger

Hello fitness people! How are you have been doing out there? Its been awhile for me away from blogging. And yet, today I am totally inspired to sit down and write on this post. How is your Sunday been doing so far? Anyone have hit to the gym this morning? or still being restless at home enjoying your Sunday on your couch. Lolz. Honestly I'm super restless today after my hardcore gym day, but still will be hitting to the gym as today is my cycling cardio day =).

'Women shouldn't lift heavy is perpetuated by women who fear to work and men who fear women for being stronger'

What do you think? My personal point of view, I will definitely say 'YES'!! Being a girl who lift, I have received a lot comment. Bad and Good. Some people might ask me, 'you don't scare being muscular?' and bla bla bla... But yet' I will definitely reply them, 'Do I look muscular to you?'. And people who read this blog,  what do you think? Do I look muscular after training weight (but I don't take any protein supplement intake, except natural protein such as fish, eggs and etc).

Well people, especially girls. Let me tell you, why I choose to lift beside doing cardio.
  1. More effective fat loss;- This is the fact, as in my training progress, I don't stick with only cardio training, I need to tone up my flabby arms, flabby tummy and etc. 
* This is how I look like before my toning progress. =)

2. Increased energy and my metabolic rate. 

3. ANDDD MOST IMPORTANT. ' STRESS RELIEF'.. , you can imagine the satisfaction after you succeed to carry the weight that you will never expect your body can carry. Sweat and pain! This is the satisfaction.

Girls! Do not worry to lift weight. Some of my girls friend will think that, lift weight will make you being like those female body builders. And some guys will think girls who lift is too strong for them. SO WHAT! Only guys who are weak will think of it. Girls who lift weight will definitely will not look bulky as we have lesser men testosterone levels as you will not become huge and bulky from lifting weights.

So girls, let us make some changes in the gym weight floor. Do not let only guy conquer the space. BE CONFIDENT. To achieve a SEXY AND HOT body, make your first step. Carry the weights and SAY HELLO to them . =)



Alright, that's all for today!. Feel free to drop me comments and sharing .
Visit my other Fitness post if you are interested. <3<3.

Thanks for reading , i appreciate that,
you know who you are ;)

Wechat: Rachelk0711 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Work Life Balance =)

Hello everyone, I am here to motivate YOU again ! Hahaha =). Get moving! It's time to get out from your comfort zonE!

Work life balance, is really a question that always pop out in our hectic life. Busy working until doesn't have time to hit to  the gym? Well, this is very common hectic life for all of us. Is only your mind  can manage your work  life balance instead of letting work to manage your time!.


1. Planning!- Never get an excuses to stop you to be FIT. NOT necessary to the gym, any parks or running track will do. Its important to taking care our own wellbeing. Choose an activity that you enjoy and chose a 'realistic' exercise plan. It is better to choose an activity you enjoy rather than forcing yourself to do some exercise that you think you can't do.  

2. Just Do IT!-  NEVER Think to stop once you started.  Whenever you feel like quitting, think about why you STARTED!=)

3. PATIENCE!-  Be realistic !  YOU wont drop two jeans size in one day exercise.You wont lose 50 pounds in ONE MONTH. You will go one or two day without workout and your weight will fluctuate . Skipping meals will be your excuse that your weight will drop? Been exercising hard but weight still the same? Well, we are human, we are going to fail, but nothing is greater than overcoming this kind of obstacles. BE PATIENCE AND KEEP GOING =).

4. Earn!-  You are just one workout away from GOOD MOOD. Work life balance= better mood= efficient working. Spending your time stressing in front  of your working paper and worry you couldn't finish it on time? Well why don't you find an alternative to work your sweat out. You might have a better mind to work efficiently.

5.  FINALLY!!!

Always remember!!!

 Workout + Balance Life= Happy worker and Healthy Life. 

If you can do both and manage it well, I'm sure YOU can make it. REMEMBER never let your work to determine your lifestyle. 

I have choose my work life balance. Have you ?? =)


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Hello 2014!! =)

Hello everybody!! I'm finally back on track after missing for so so so long =). Sorry guys and girls . How you guys doing out there? Keeping on track on your fitness level or still slacking around? =P. Past few months was really a hectic month for me. So much thing that we can expect to happen in working life. Like wise, people trying to adapt in the environment, neither me. Joy and suffering, finally I have adapt my working life but unfortunately totally neglect my fitness level.

Anyway, its 2nd day of 2014. We should have a good beginning for our new year. What is your new year resolutions? Share with me your thought =). I have added my 2014 resolutions. This year will be simple yet I choose it as a meaningful resolutions for me. Being a qualified trainer, travelling to my place of interest and finally, to have my own gym which is fully own by me. WISH ME LUCK for 2014 resolutions. Will see the result in the end of 365 days. =).

Well, let's back to my fitness post after so long . Hectic working life, stop exercising is the awful feeling that iI ever felt. Is even worst than break up with boyfriend. Lolzz. Joking! But yea, I get used to move around and sweating as much as I can. My work-life have limit my working out time

So I never choose to quit. Auditor life is always pack. Never escape from overtime, date-line, client. Work- life balance? Work for it. Let me share what happened to me for the past 3 months. Positive thinking of me nearly drop down as I couldn't find my working and life balance. Skin condition getting worst. Muscle getting lost. 6 paxs that I have earned is getting flabby. Is the point where I would give up. 

But yet, I tell myself NO. I have achieved and work for so long, why should i surrender. So I keep finding my own life balance. Well, finally i found my type of exercising at home. Everyday, only spending my 45 minutes and yes, I did it. Thanks to NTC. Only 45 minutes of home exercise 3 times a week consistently. Yes! It gives you a result. I can do it , why can't you? Especially to the working peeps. =)

 I believe, nobody is born to be perfect and pretty. Life is like a cycle. Is depends on you whether you wanted to find the balance . But yes! Nothing is impossible. Don't cover yourself with make up which how long can you sustain with it? Natural beauty is always the best maintain. I rather cover myself with sweats  To achieve natural beauty start off yourself by staying FIT but NOT SKINNY


3 principles most important in my life.

Be the best of yourself =)

Will update you guys as often as I can to share and update my exercises. Feel free to comments and share me your thoughts as I am more than happy to hear it. =). Seee yaaa .
